Monday, April 23, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Wow!  Has it really been almost a month since my last update?  Time is flying and I am not just talking with Mini Coop growing, but with Spring finally here and projects galore taking place.  The last month has been very busy for John and I.  We have both turned in our time off to our employers for when he arrives, completed the classes needed in preparing for our little one, car seat safety and a couple of others which fell on Tuesday and Thursday of the same week.  I felt like my middle name was "Run" because I was never home except to shower and sleep.  Another thing to check off of the 'to do' list along with a few finishing touches to everything left, but all and all I believe I can say that we are READY! 
This past weekend was a couples shower in honor of Mini Coop and all I can say is AMAZING!  People questioned the fact that men were coming to it, but I felt there was a reason there is a child on the way and all of our friends have spouses or other friends that we know so why not have them all together to gab and have a beverage too.  We had such a blast and can not wait to tell our little guy about all of the friends and family that came, the laughs we had there (believe it or not, no tears) and on the way home.  Between all of the decorations, food, gifts, friendships and everything else, we are very blessed by such an awesome support group and can not wait to introduce our new arrival to all. A big shout out to our friends Amie & Andy, Jessica & Pat and Sally & Galen for all of the hard work and time in making it such a success. We can not THANK YOU enough. 
Short but sweet today, but I have some other little projects to get through and I believe my nesting is in full swing...this must mean we are coming into the final weeks. :)